Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Essay --

The image has a huge effect in society. A celebrity’s image can characterize, shape and circulate societal myths in Hollywood. When people see the significant images, they will connect the specific celebrities in their time period. A blonde, beautiful, and sexy girl whose white dress was flying is one of the most famous images that the American actress, singer, and model Marilyn Monroe made in the 20th century. People think her figure and beauty made her a popular icon and sex symbol in the 1950s. Monroe's status as a sex symbol has influenced many artists since her time, even though the beauty standard has been different since then. Many celebrities imitate Monroe not only because of marketing and media needs, but also because people today still â€Å"worship† the image of Monroe. However, to only examine this sexualized image, people would seldom find out that Monroe was a feminist in the mid 20th century. On the other hand, how does a woman who passed away at thirty- six years old, after starring in only a handful of movies, have such an impact on society, especially young women, in the 21st century? The reason why Monroe is still relevant and even famous today shows the power of female charisma. Monroe had many feminist characteristics, such as being an independent professional woman, she was courageous to express herself, and she was always self-actualized. Independence, self-expression, and self-actualizion are all the ideas that feminists encouraged in the 21st century. The media created Monroe’s sexy image at first, but she used it to become famous. Later on she tried to use her action to get rid her sexy image. Even though many feminists think Monroe is a victim through Monroe’s sexualized image, Monroe’s image has influenced f... ...ized as a feminist already. Her actions reveal a person who was far more than the sexy dumb blonde she supposed to be in the movies. Monroe passed away just before feminism made clear that women have every human possibility. Women need to support each other and to explore the real lives to help themselves. Monroe used her experience to show the power of female charisma to the public. She not only was the feminist model for modern women, but also showed her powerful personality to men. Monroe believed in equality, but she falls through a patriarchal society that only valued her for her sexual image. Monroe understood the need for the power of the women in the modern society, and that’s why her image has been redefined. Any woman who contribute their lives in the way chosen by themselves, who is concerned and intelligent, is making the world a better place for women.

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